Plan Your Prophecy
Events to Happen
Nothing happens spontaneously. All events to happen in the future of any kind will come as the result of a series of connected past chain of events. Some events in the future will come as a result of a series of events that connected them only recently. Many events in the future will come as the result of a series of linked events that will then extend back decades and even centuries.
Events to happen are future events that will happen no matter what anyone does. Their past chain of events has already dictated these events will happen. They cannot be changed or prevented.
Things to Come
Things to come are future events that will happen, but we still have the opportunity to alter their outcomes through actions we take now and in the future.
Learning to See and Altering the Future
You can always be the smartest person in the room because you can learn to see events to happen and sometimes alter the future for things to come. Your path to always being the smartest person in your room can be paved by following our process summarized below and as set forth in Book 1.
Monitor and analyze the three headwaters of your prophecies
The three components comprising the three headwaters of prophecy are:
- global demographics;
- the technologies of the times; and
- the three pendulums of a society.
The first step in learning to see and altering the future is to continually monitor and analyze the three headwaters of prophecy. It is important to monitor and analyze the data and events that will most impact you and your organization. After your analysis of what is most important to you and your organization is complete, perform the following steps.
Publish your prophecies
After you have made your conclusions, you must publish your prophecies for at least your organization to see and read. Publish your prophecies in two types, as follows:
Type I prophecies—global events to happen. These are your predictions of major events that will shape the future of the world from the date of your predictions through future generations. Remember, these events will happen, and nothing can be done to prevent them from happening.
Type II prophecies—regional, local and industry specific events to happen that will most impact you and your organization. These are your predictions of the major events that will shape the future of your life and the organization you lead. Again, remember, these events will happen, and nothing can be done to prevent them from happening.
Establish and publish your vision
After you have concluded and published your Type I and Type II prophecies, establish your vision for the organization you lead and for your own personal life and your family. Openly publish that vision as the beginning and basis of your organization’s future quests, strategies, and customary business planning.
Publish your story and be the chief storyteller
In order to best articulate your prophecies to others, you must develop your story and be your own best storyteller. As you tell your story to others, be sure to encourage them to develop their own Type I and Type II prophecies for their personal lives and to test if they agree with yours. Obviously, not everyone will agree on the same prophecies. Just because these events to happen are going to happen and cannot be stopped or altered does not mean we will all predict them the same or with 100 percent certainty or accuracy.
Publish your vision, strategies, and business plan
After you have your Type I and Type II prophecies firmly in your mind, vision, strategies, and business plans will come easily to you and to others with more confidence and conviction than you experienced before.
Establish your serendipity pools
As much as we would all love to solve all the problems of the world, obviously we cannot. But what we can do is establish what I call serendipity pools—those areas of critical interest to us and the organizations we lead. We can use those serendipity pools to focus our time, money, and mind share on opportunities arising from events coming through our serendipity pools. Serendipity pools can be closely related to what we currently do or monitor chains of historical events for areas we are not currently involved in.
Confronting Type II events to happen and channeling things-to-come decisions through your serendipity pool pathways
If possible, it is best to confront future Type II events to happen within your serendipity pools and to also make your things-to-come decisions within your serendipity pools.
Power of positioning
Positioning is so important. For the Greeks, it was the Thermopylae Pass in 480 BC; for the Union Army in the American Civil War, it was the high ground at Gettysburg; and for the invasion of Europe, it was the beaches of Normandy for the Allies. Serendipity pools can be geographic or not. At JM Prophecies, we have selected Florida and Hawaii as our Thermopylae Pass twin pillars. But our corporate partners will not all be in Florida or Hawaii; many will, but some will not. Obviously, serendipity pools can be managed virtually.